Hello, and thank you for visiting my portfolio!
I'm a game designer who absolutely loves to create new experiences for people to enjoy. One of my favourite things in game development is to help give the games I work on their own unique feel because I want everything I make to stand in some way. I'm in love with game design as a whole, thinking up game systems, levels, and mechanics in my head whenever the mood oh-so-often strikes me. I always hope to bring the best out of any team I'm a part of because I want to make amazing and fun things for players to enjoy like I have throughout my life.
On the more personal side of who I am, I'm always partway through some game series (currently Star Wars: The Old Republic, Lego Star Wars, and Dark Souls!) and constantly finding new games to absolutely adore from Bugsnax to Alien: Isolation to No Man's Sky. I love to spread love and stop hate wherever I can, and I'll never stop looking for new ways to keep life fun.